Young Artist Development Program

Since the 2012-13 season, the Bakersfield Master Chorale has sponsored a Young Artists’ Development Program (YADP).  Through the YADP, the Chorale benefits from having a small number of professionally trained young musicians (singers, conductors, pianists, and arrangers) who agree to (1) sing in the Chorale for the season; (2) understudy the professional solos; (3) provide other professional musical services in accordance with their skills and background.

PURPOSE:  The main reasons for instituting a program like this is to make the Chorale attractive to young, well-trained singers and musicians who would benefit from the experience of singing in a superb, adult ensemble and also to enrich the Chorale by contributing their musicianship and vocal prowess. The Chorale recruits four to six young professional singers/musicians each year.

BENEFITS TO THE YADP PARTICIPANTS:  The Chorale provides these developing artists: (1) performance opportunities in a professional ensemble setting; (2) coaching on solo roles including technique, diction, style, and interpretation; (3) opportunities to interact closely with our guest professional soloists during concert weekends for networking/mentoring; (4) opportunities for solo parts and other professional services for the Chorale, such as leading sectional rehearsals, conducting, arranging music, or accompanying.  As official understudies, the YADP participants enjoy the potential of being asked to step in during performances on short notice.

FINANCES: Those accepted into the YADP are exempt from paying membership dues, except for costume expenses, and are provided a small stipend.  The $1000 stipends are awarded at the conclusion of the season.


  • Program participants will be expected to perform as members of the Chorale for the entire season;
  • Advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and recent college graduates are eligible to participate up to age thirty;
  • Professionally-trained singers, accompanists, and conductors, regardless of student status, are eligible to apply;
  • Students should have completed their undergraduate senior recital or other culminating activity before entry to the YADP; applicants not in school should have achieved an equivalent level of expertise;
  • Selection for the YADP is made annually in the early fall.

Letter of interest in this opportunity
Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae
Recommendations (2)
Headshot or press pack (optional)
For information contact BMC Artistic Director, Dr. Jennifer Garrett,

Meet our 2022-2023 Young Artists!

These six professionally-trained young singers actively participating in our 2022-2023
Young Artist Development Program.

Your donations help support our Young Artist Development Program. Please consider sponsoring a
young artist this year.